

Kevin Gill

Haynes Park BC

Deputy President:

Rob Flemming

Kings Chase BC

Hon. Secretary:

David O'Leary

Gidea Park BC

Hon. Treasurer:

Dudley Payne

Kings Chase BC

League Secretary:

Dave Wood

Kings Chase BC

Comp. Secretary

Mike Long

Clock House BC

Past Presidents

2023 - A Blatchford

2022 - L Howard

2020-21 - B Fox

2019 - M Long

2018 - B Davies

2017 - B Hyland

2016 - A Dron

2015 - R Straus

2014 - A Michael

2013 - D Payne

2012 - B Meyer

2011 - M Murphy

2010 - O Martin

2009 - R Hart

2008 - K Harvey

2007 - J Carter

2006 - F Tipson

2005 - D Wood

2004 - B Davies

2003 - R King

2002 - W De'ath

2001 - S Hawthorn 












The Brentwood and District Bowling Association is a Triples League with 11 member clubs from Brentwood and the Havering area. As well as League matches there are several competitions available for affiliated club members to enter.

Virtual Honours Board

A list of the League and competition winners since 1980 can be found on the virtual honours board.

Virtual Honours Board

2022 Final Day

The 2022 Competition Finals were held at Gidea Park BC on Saturday 3rd September.

Results and photos from the day

2023 Final Day

The 2023 Competition Finals were held at Harold Hill BC on Saturday 2nd September.

Results and photos from the day

Looking to Play Bowls?

All our Clubs are always looking for new members, so if you fancy giving it a go 'click' on any of the Links on the left and get in touch with a club near you, they will be only too pleased to hear from you and will provide all you need for a trial or two.

